On May 23, 2024 a regular meeting was held between Alexey Likhachev, Director General of Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation, and Ajit Kumar Mohanty, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary of the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India.

Leaders of Russia and India nuclear industries visited the site of the Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex (PDEC) being built in Seversk, Tomsk region, as a part of “Proryv” (Rus. – “the Breakthrough”) strategic industry project.

During the joint visit, a full-scale discussion took place on the perspective areas of the Russian-Indian cooperation in the nuclear field.

“We are ready to serious expansion of the cooperation with India in the field of using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. This include, first of all, serial construction of the Russian-designed high-capacity nuclear power units at a new site in India, implementation of land-based and floating low-power generation projects, cooperation in the nuclear fuel cycle area, as well as in the field of non-power applications of nuclear technologies”, said Alexey Likhachev, Director General of Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation.

Alexey Likhachev and Ajit Kumar Mohanty also discussed the progress of the joint Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project being constructed as per the Russian design in the southern India, comprising six power units equipped with light-water reactors, each of 1000 MW capacity.

“Proryv” (“the Breakthrough”) project is focused on the creation of a new technological platform for the nuclear industry with the closed nuclear fuel cycle and resolving the problems of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. A new competitive product must ensure leadership of the Russian technologies in the global nuclear power industry.

Kudankulam NPP is India’s largest nuclear power plant and the flagship project of the Russian-Indian technological and power industry cooperation. The nuclear power plant is located in the southern India, in Tamil Nadu state. Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd is the project customer and NPP operator. ASE JSC is the general contractor, Atomenergoproekt JSC is the general designer, OKB Gidropress is the chief designer. Construction of Kudankulam NPP involves installation of six power units with VVER-1000 type reactors, total installed capacity being 6000 MW. Units 1 and 2 were connected to the India’s national grid in 2013 and 2016 and supply power to the southern Indian region. Currently, construction and installation works are underway and equipment supplies are being completed at Units 3 and 4, two power units of the project’s third stage being built parallelly. Rosatom State Corporation is providing fuel to the power units of Kudankulam NPP throughout their entire life cycle.